Kellyville Public School offers extra-curricular activities for students to better themselves and enjoy their time spent at school.
Some of the opportunities we offer at Kellyville Public School are:
- Dance - Students from Years 1-6 are invited to audition for dance groups at the beginning of each school year. Dance groups in the past at Kellyville Public School have been involved in The State Dance Festival, Synergy, The Hills Performing Arts Festival, Wakkakiri, Ballroom dancing competitions and a variety of other external and internal school opportunities.
- Choir - Students from Years 1-6 are invited to audition for choir at the beginning of each school year. Students who are selected to be part of choir groups, are often involved in the Hills Performing Arts Festival, Opera House Performances and in-school performance opportunities.
- Band - The Kellyville Public School Band is split into 2 groups, Junior Band and Senior Band. Students meet weekly at school to practice as a group as well as in small groups to undertake lessons with their specific tutor.
- Coding Club - Coding Club is an opportunity available to all students from Year 1 to Year 6. Students are able to sign up for Coding Club each year. Students attend weekly sessions in the Library, using critical and creative thinking to solve digital and hands on coding problems.
- Chess Club - Chess club is available to all students K-6. Students meet weekly in the library where they learn the rules of the game, participate in chess games against their peers and develop their problem solving skills. Chess club members have also been involved in inter-school chess tournaments.
- Debating and Public Speaking - Debating opportunities exist for students from Year 2 to Year 6. Students are selected through audition and formulate structured arguments about a given topic with the aim of developing public speaking and reasoning skills. Stage 3 students are able to audition for the Premier’s Debating Competition team, and debate against other schools. Additional Public Speaking opportunities are also available to students from K-6 as a part of the Multicultural Speaking Competition. Auditions for this competition occur within the classroom as part of a speech are conducted within Term 2 of each year.
- Music Groups - A variety of music groups are available to students with an interest or talent playing particular musical instruments. Opportunities that exist at Kellyville Public School include Recorder Group, Ukulele Group, Drumming Group and String Ensemble. Each group is often involved in school and external performances, encouraging students to continue to develop their musical skills.